Mrs. Laurie Ann Hayes » At Home Strategies

At Home Strategies

There are so many ways that you can help your child at home! Below is a short list of some of the many strategies you can do at home to help!
Image result for parent helping child clipart
  • Read nightly together
  • Before, During, and After reading ask questions about the book
    • Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
  • Practice reading whenever you can! Children love to "read signs" by reading the symbols of stores. This is a great way for children to practice reading the picture, which is the first way young readers truly engage with a text. 
  • Practice sight words regularly.  Sight words are the most common words used in books and need to be memorized because they do not always follow standard rules. Below are PDF's of the sight words for Kindergarten, First and Second Grade. You can print them out and make flash cards for extra practice at home!