Our Goals
as adopted by the
Southampton Township Board of Education
on October 16, 2023
Goal #1: School Climate and Culture - District Security | |
The superintendent will lead the administrative team in developing an action plan to guide the on-going, district-wide School Climate and Security initiative. During the 2023-2024 school year, the second part of our multi-year goal will be providing and maintaining a safe and secure environment for students and staff. Through trainings, drills, and professional development, students and staff will be able to follow steps and identify procedures within the school district security plan. By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, students and staff will demonstrate an understanding of school safety and security procedures by scoring 90% or above as measured by the fall 2023 safety assessment results as compared to spring 2024 safety assessment results. |
Goal #2: School Climate and Culture - Teacher Recruitment and Retention | |
The superintendent will lead the administrative team in developing an action plan to retain high quality teachers. By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, collaboration with various stakeholders will yield a plan focused on increasing the district retention rate and enhancing recruitment strategies for high-quality staff. |
Goal #3: Student Achievement - ELA | |
The superintendent will lead the administrative team during this multi-year goal in developing an action plan to increase student academic progress in English Language Arts (ELA) by continuing to improve upon language arts practices through the use of targeted data and staff articulation. By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, student growth will be as follows: 1) At least 80% of K-5 students will be reading within or above the Fountas and Pinnell grade level band for their current grade level. 2) 75% of 6-8 grade students will demonstrate growth as measured by the spring 2024 ELA growth measure assessment as compared to the fall 2023 ELA growth measure assessment based on the following tiers: Tier 1-8 points for students identified Far Below and Below; Tier II - 4 points for students identified as Approaching; Tier III - 3 points for students identified as On Level. |
Goal #4: Student Achievement - Math |