Our Goals
as adopted by the
Southampton Township Board of Education
on August 20, 2024
Goal #1: Literacy Initiative | |
The superintendent will lead the administrative team in developing a comprehensive action plan to enhance the school district’s literacy initiative. By June 2025, all Southampton teachers will have participated in Schoolwide professional development in reading and writing. Professional Learning communities will be utilized to further develop the craft of workshop models. Every Classroom K-5 will have bolstered classroom libraries to support the literacy initiative. In grades 6th-8th all ELA and Social Studies teachers will participate in the next level of Schoolwide literacy initiative to enhance literacy skills. All students in K-8 will be assessed three times a year in the areas of reading levels and writing skills. By the end of 2027, 80% of all current kindergarten students will be reading on grade level as measured by the Fountas and Pinnell benchmark assessment. By the end of 2025, 75% of students in grades 1-8 will show growth of one or more levels on writing benchmark. |
Goal #2: Math Support through Response to Intervention (RTI) | |
The superintendent will lead the administrative team in developing a comprehensive action plan to enhance the school district’s response to intervention initiatives in math grades 1st-5th. By June 2025, all Southampton students identified as needing tiered intervention will receive strategic and meaningful support. Using a tiered instructional approach the Response to Intervention program will identify specific needs of students and provide supplemental programs to meet those needs. Using the math growth measure assessment students receiving RTI will demonstrate improvement indicating 1.5 years of growth. |
Goal #3: Technology Goal | |
The superintendent will lead the administrative team in developing a comprehension action plan to develop a 3 year technology plan by June 2025. This multi year goal will include: Evaluate and distribute the technology needs assessment structures and procedures. Analyze trail of data storage transition from VMware. Transition data storage to the cloud, based on internal data by 2028. Develop a framework for technology related professional development, initial training, coaching and sustained support. Develop a framework to advance student computer literacy by aligning technology to curriculum review updates. |