Author Visit 2020

It has been my pleasure over the past 18 years to invite various authors and illustrators to come and speak with out K-4 students.  This Author Day program is a 5 month long journey for the students and I to read, investigate, compare, contrast, and really get to know the work of each year's author/illustrator.
On Friday, February 28, grades K-4 were able to meet and listen to a presentation by nonfiction author Linda Bozzo.  After studying her books since September, the students were excited and and ready to learn.  Ms. Bozzo talked about what it is like being an author and the research processes of writing a nonfiction book.  The students heard about the process from when the idea is presented to the author all the way to seeing it printed on the book printing machines.  
Linda stayed and signed over 250 books that were ordered and then our school #1 students shocked her with a special flash mob at the end of the day in honor of her
I Like Dog Series.
We answered the question......."Who let's the Dogs Out?"
Such a fun day was had by all!!!!!