Ms. Jacqueline Daddato » Southampton Day Parade

Southampton Day Parade

Balloons Over Broadway
Based on the amazing book, Balloons Over Broadway, by Melissa Sweet, the 2nd graders embark on a design journey through the month of November.  In Library we start out the month talking about the book and about the real Macy's Day Parade.  We talk about creating a balloon character of their own. 
In their homerooms, the second graders design what they want their balloon character to look like.  They then take their design and with the help of their classroom teachers, they make the pieces of their balloon design. 
On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, all second graders, with the help of some awesome parents and teachers, come together as one group and assemble their character to their is time for a parade!!!!!!! 
This year we were so excited to be joined by the Southampton Township Schools own Marching Band!!!!!!  As the band played, the 2nd graders marched outside in a parade of balloon floats for all to see!!!!!  We even have the media club come to take videos and photos of the parades each year. 
This is a new tradition for Southampton, starting in 2022, but this will be a on going tradition for a long time to come!!!!!!
2022 The First Annual Southampton Day Parade!
2023 The Second Annual Southampton Day Parade: featuring the School 3 Marching Band!!!