Welcome Mr. Meyer's School Page!

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My name is Mr. Meyer, and I teach Health and Physical Education for grades Kindergarten to 5th grade.  I encourage students to lead healthy and active lifestyles.  When students enter my class, we will be moving, learning, and laughing!  I am so excited to get started!  Please review the information below about our year.


  •      PHYSICAL EDUCATION SCHEDULE: Students will have Physical Education once a week.
  •      DRESS CODE: To ensure safety and prevent injury, students are required to wear sneakers/protective footwear on the day they have Physical Education class. 
  •      CLASS RULES: In Physical Education, there are three important rules that students are expected to follow to ensure a safe and enjoyable learning environment.
  •      Be Safe
  •      Be Respectful 
  •      Be Your Best

If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me: [email protected] .  I am looking forward to a wonderful year!