Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment » Gifted and Talented Program

Gifted and Talented Program

Southampton Township Public School District’s Gifted and Talented Program Overview:


The Board of Education directs each gifted and talented student in the district be identified and offered an appropriate educational program and services. "Gifted and talented students" are students who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability in one or more content areas when compared to their chronological peers in the district and who require modification of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities.


S.T.E.P. (Southampton Township Enrichment Program) provides a rich curriculum for our gifted and talented students while enhancing their self-efficacy. The program was designed with our students in mind and provides learning opportunities to help students develop their talents and abilities, uses design thinking to problem solve, and encourages a growth mindset.


We have a dedicated S.T.E.P teacher on staff who oversees our program.  All staff members have been trained in Growth mindset and each year receive professional development on differentiated instruction.  We have a variety of additional resources to support our existing curriculum to challenge all of our students and help them reach their full potential.


Continuum of Services:



Reader's and Writer's Workshop as well as our Math Workshop model allows our teachers the opportunity to provide students with differentiated materials and instruction.

Each day we have a Response to Intervention period where teachers can offer enrichment materials to students.

Our S.T.E.P. teacher works weekly with each class for a marking period on using design thinking to problem solve.
For K and first graders we provide an afterschool STEAM Program

3rd -5th grade:

Reader's and Writer's Workshop as well as our Math Workshop model allows our teachers the opportunity to provide students with differentiated materials and instruction.
Each day we have a Response to Intervention period where teachers can offer enrichment instruction to students, hold book clubs, and have students create their own independent projects in academic subjects as well as art, technology, art and music.
Identified S.T.E.P. students attend class 2-3 times weekly all year with our S.T.E.P. teacher to work on a curriculum that is based on problem solving using design thinking
We offer an instrumental music program including lessons and participation in a band for 5th grade 
Our district provides a multitude of extracurricular programs which challenge students in areas beyond the classroom which include Lego Club, Logica Club, Entrepreneurs Club, Media Club, Girls on the Run and Drama Club. In addition, we run a Family Science and Family Math Program throughout the year.

6th-8th Grade:

Math: Advanced Math-grade 6, Algebra Survey-grade 7, Algebra-grade 8

  The Algebra curriculum is aligned with the Lenape Regional High School District.
  Students receive high school credit for Honors Algebra I.
  The HMH math series is currently used.

Spanish I

  The Spanish I Curriculum is in alignment with the Lenape Regional High School District.
  Students receive high school credit for Spanish I.
  The ¡Avancemos! series is currently used.

Additional Programming for Grades 6-8:

We have double periods of Math and ELA where teachers have the opportunity where teachers can offer enrichment instruction to students, run book clubs.  Students can create their own independent projects in academic subjects as well as art, technology and music.
We offer an instrumental music program including lessons and participation in the band, jazz band, and choral music
Our district provides a multitude of extracurricular programs which challenge students in areas beyond the classroom which include Girls Excited about Math and Science (G.E.M.S.), Entrepreneurs Club, Media Club, Newspaper Club, Games Club, Student Council, Jazz Band, Chorus, Vincentones and Drama Club.

Selection Process:

At the end of each school year the selection process begins for the following school year for entrance into S.T.E.P and our advanced programming in grades 6-8.  We use multiple measures to make sure we capture all eligible students.  As new students move into district we make sure to assess the student for services.


Criteria Used for Selection to S.T.E.P. in grades 1-5

A matrix, based on 28 points is written up on each nominee. On the matrix, nominees receive points for scores in the following areas:
  • Staff rating scale (students are scored in the areas of ability, motivation, leadership, and creativity)
  • F & P Benchmark assessment
  • HMH- Reading
  • HMH - Math
  • OLSAT - Otis-Lennon School Ability Test
  • SAGES-2: Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary Students 
The scores for the above are tabulated and the top 10% are invited to participate in the program.


Criteria Used for Selection to Advanced math and Algebra:

  • Staff Rating scale (students are scored in the areas of ability, motivation, and aptitude)
  • Academic grades in Math
  • End of the year math test or Algebra prognosis test (grade 7 to 8)
  • HMH - Math

Criteria Used for Selection to Spanish I:

  • Staff Rating scale (students are scored in the areas of ability, motivation, and aptitude)
  • Academic grades in Spanish and ELA
  • Spanish exam in writing, speaking and listening
  • HMH - Reading 

Gifted & Talented (STEP) Procedural Complaint Process for

Southampton Township Public School District

Pursuant to the Strengthening Gifted and Talented Education Act, the following protocol must be used to file a complaint alleging that Southampton Township Public Schools is not in compliance with the provisions of the Act. The alleged occurrence of noncompliance must have taken place within one year of filing the complaint. Please note: the complaint process is different from an appeal for placement of a student. The complaint process only deals with alleged procedural compliance as outlined in the Act. This process will yield no change to prior student placement decisions. The complaint shall include in writing:

The name, address, and contact information of the complainant; and

A statement that the identified school district is not in compliance with the provisions of this act, and the specific facts on which the allegation of non-compliance is based. An individual who believes that a school district has not complied with the provisions of this Act may file a complaint using the following chain of command:

  1. Board of Education - Based on the decision of the Board of Education to affirm, reject, or modify the district’s action in the matter, the individual may file a petition of appeal of the written decision; to
  2. Commissioner of Education via Office of Controversies and Disputes in accordance with N.J.S.18A:6-9 and the procedures set forth in State Board of Education regulations

Appeal Process

The above complaint process only deals with procedural compliance.  If you have a concern regarding placement in the program the following chain of command should be followed:

  1. Gifted & Talented (S.T.E.P.) or Advanced programming teacher-This is your first point of contact. Mrs. Denise Sunbury- Grades 2-5 Classroom teacher for Math or Spanish in grades 6-8.
  2. Principal School #1, Mrs. Brianna Chapin Principal of Schools #2/#3, Mrs. Kristine Bertulis
  3. SuperintendentMrs. Asia Michael 

Link to District Policy: