Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment » Curriculum and Instruction

Curriculum and Instruction

Our Curricular Mission:

Southampton Township is dedicated to providing a rigorous and engaging curriculum that is aligned to the standards and is responsive to the needs of every student.  We value the diversity of our school district and provide equitable access to all learners.  Our curriculum is structured so that teachers are able to consistently and intentionally create instruction that will prepare learners for college, career, and life. 

What is Curriculum?

A curriculum is what provides teachers, students, administrators and community stakeholders with a plan for delivering quality instruction. It acts as a road map for teachers and students to follow on the path to academic success. The curriculum spells out the learning outcomes, knowledge, and skills students must demonstrate and is created based on the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS), which were developed for every grade span to provide a blueprint as to how students should progress as they move toward graduation.  A school's curriculum outlines the pacing for units, addresses learning standards, includes ways to differentiate the core content for individual learners, incorporates technology, and includes different types of assessments to monitor student progress towards mastery. Teachers and students play key roles in how curriculum is addressed in each classroom.

Mrs. Casey Noble

Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Email Mrs. Noble


Curriculum Department Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Jenny Morrow

Email Mrs. Morrow

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